
4 Ideas to keep your employee recognition going year-round

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of employee recognition. Motivated employees are more effective. They will also stay longer with the company. That’s one of the best proofs we get on the importance of employee recognition. Your retention rate is a hard number. It will let you know the exact amount of money you’re recognition campaign is saving you.

Today, we will discuss an interesting trend to improve employee recognition. As it turns out, your campaign might be doing a great job. However, the lack of consistency could be undermining the results. Lapses in recognition will lower the effects. Plus, it will be harder to get them properly motivated again and again. 

keeping that feeling of appreciation as a constant is much more effective. It might sound expensive. With a little creativity, you can end up saving money.  

1 Host quarterly award ceremonies

Handing awards more frequently will make the provided motivation a constant. There will always be a short term goal to grasp. Now, you might think that four award ceremonies a year might be too expensive. However, you only need to focus on the award.

The first thing to do is cutting the budget for the venue, and entertainment. Those tend to be a huge part of the budget. The truth is focus should go to the award. Sure, having a nice time improves the efficiency of the campaign. However, the new consistency will provide that extra efficiency four times over.

2 Include them in your content calendar

Social media is a great yet inexpensive way to encourage your team. Keep your employee of the month campaign up to date with the times. They will think of it as a public declaration of their value. We’ve all seen the romantic comedies, public declarations work. Your employee will see it as something great and it will only cost the time to write it.

3 Just tell them

That’s right, sometimes all you need is leave your office and talk to your team. Tell them what a great job they’re doing. Show them the impact they’re having on the company. We like to associate recognition with awards and parties. However, those are just perks to give the effort more value. The core of the experience is still on their knowing their value. Telling won’t be as effective or memorable. But, it will help keep that feeling of appreciation high year-round.

4 Keep public scores

Here’s another way to keep recognition going year-round. Keeping updated public scores will remind your employees about the importance of their performance. Do you want them to keep their eyes on the price? Put the prize where they can see. 

We hope these tips inspire you to improve your employee recognition campaign. Good luck creating a culture of year-round recognition. Now, if you already use year-round recognition for your business please let us know of your results in the comments. 

For more details visit us at https://crystalarc.net/giftcollection.html or Call us at +971-558990060 or mail us at info@crystalarc.net.

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4 Creative Ideas for Virtual Employee Recognition

Taking your team online has almost become a necessity for most businesses. Virtual employees come with many perks, the most important one being all the money they save your business. You will cut costs on office space and utilities, besides, the extra offer will let you chose between lower salary cost or better overall quality. It’s great for employees too, just eliminating commutes is a great benefit.

Just as with regular employees, the long distance part of your team needs to be properly motivated. Even more so, it will be harder for them to get the big picture of their work because they’re away. That makes employee recognition more important than ever. Now, you can’t really invite them to your award ceremony, can you? How to show them the appreciation they deserve? We will be sharing some tips in this article.

1. Virtual Event

While you can’t invite virtual employees to your usual award ceremony, you can host a virtual award ceremony for a fraction of the price. Platforms like Facebook events make the planning an execution of a virtual event extremely simple. You can live stream the host, even show your employees receiving the award. Just make sure to keep it interesting and chose the right awards.

With a little ingenuity, you can even leverage the event as a marketing opportunity. Since it won’t really cost you anything if more people come to watch, make it a public event. That will get you some interesting exposure and more people showing up will increase the value of the event for your employees.

2. Share about them on social media

A great way to show appreciation for your employees is posting about them on social media. You can share your employee of the month, award winners, particular accomplishments. Virtual employees tend to love social media, it’s their world. A public display of recognition will help them see the importance of their work.

The best part about this strategy is the social value it adds to your online presence. Posting employee achievements will likely lead to them and their close ones engaging with the post. As we all know, that engagement will give your business valuable exposure.

3. Leverage your about us page

Sure, the about us page should focus on the company, that’s ok. However, adding pictures and information about your team will enhance the bond with your business. With a little luck, they’ll see it as something to brag about.

Yes, this one can help with your marketing too. Executive marketing is trending, especially for companies offering professional services. It’s not easy for clients to fully grasp the concept of complex services. Getting to know the people they’ll be working with will help them trust your brand a little better.

4. Go the extra mile

So far, we covered some great points. However, we’re still missing the most important one, the awards. They are the cornerstone of any employee recognition campaign. You might think this a problem since you’re dealing with virtual employees. The obvious solution is simply sending a gift card. The thing is, a gift card is an extremely fleeting award. The memory of the award and the value of the recognition will not last after the gift card is used. There is a better way.

Go for it, send them a real award. Nowadays, worldwide delivery is easier than ever. It might appear expensive, but even if we put aside the money you’re saving by hosting the award ceremony online, the increase in value the award will get is worth it. Knowing that you went to the trouble of sending an actual award will be priceless for your employees. We hope these ideas inspire you to find a way of showing the appropriate recognition to your virtual employees. Now, if you need more inspiration to choose the right award take our virtual tour. http://www.crystalarc.net/showrm/index.html

Corporate Gifts

Get Ready for The International Golf Day

This May first we will be celebrating the international golf day. As the favorite sport for networking, golf plays an important role in the corporate world. That means May 1st is the perfect opportunity to dust off your clubs.  Some people will tell you to visit the club and meet people there, others might tell you to invite that client your chasing. We will do you one better, the international golf day is the perfect time for you to host a friendly tournament. 

First, a little history about this day. The origin of golf day is shrouded in mystery, however, there are two leading theories. The first dates back to 1916 when the first professional tournament was held. The second says it’s because the use of a tubular steel golf club shaft was allowed in a championship for the first time on May 1st. Whichever you’d like to believe, Golf Day is a long-standing tradition. Take advantage of it.

The Perfect Networking Event

You should definitive hit the golf course this May 1st. Golf is a quiet and slow-paced sport, the perfect excuse to discuss business. However, a golf tournament hosted by your brand is an amazing networking opportunity. Leverage the tradition of this event by putting a spotlight on your business. That’s the perfect opportunity to get all the important people you want to network with on the same place.

Such an event will bring a lot of perks. You will spend quality time with your clients, it’s a great way to thank them for their business. It will bring a lot of awareness to your brand, your social media will go crazy. Plus, it will let you create a lot of content for your future promotions. Doing it on Golf Day will make it even better, people will be looking for an excuse to play.

The best part is that clubs are used to hosting tournaments, planning will be extremely simple. With people to invite and the venue ready, all you need to worry about is the prize. A tournament is not complete without a proper trophy. You need to choose a memento to mark your event. Here are our favorite picks. 

Arms of The Golfer

You can’t go wrong with a Golf themed trophy. That will create a strong bond between the event and the prize, it’s golf day after all. You want to do all you can to get people in the mood of this tradition.

A Cup

The majesty of a golden cup will make your event feel bigger. The pristine ornamentation will leave competitors and viewers in owe. If you want an elegant competition, a cup is a great choice for the prize.


Another great choice, especially if you’d like decorate second and third places. Medals are closely bound to sportsmanship, and they are a very flexible award. 

Custom Logo Trophy

The main reason to host the tournament is networking and brand awareness. Using your logo as the trophy will give you a lot of great exposure. Plus, it will make for outstanding marketing material.

Those are our top picks, but, please feel free to browse our collection. Take a virtual tour of our gallery. http://www.crystalarc.net/showrm/index.html We wish you a great time and a lot of luck for this Golf Day.


All you need to know about corporate award programs

A corporate award program is a great way to encourage a culture of self-improvement. Making sure your employees feel appreciated is an important part of leadership. Implementing a program dedicated to recognizing their efforts will add the value of tradition. With more value, your awards will bring your company better results.

Happier employees will perform better, motivation is the key to productivity. Your team will have an easier time achieving performance goals if they are focused. It’s simple if they like their job they will work harder. Sure, there are many factors why a person likes or dislikes their job. However, feeling respect from their colleagues and superiors certainly helps a lot. A corporate award program will encourage that feeling.

Another great perk of showing how much you appreciate your employees is improving retention. One of the main reasons people voluntarily leave their jobs is not feeling appreciated. If an employee thinks what their doing is not important, they won’t just do a worse job, they will have a very important reason to look for another position. A corporate award program will work as a constant reminder of how important their work is.

Why do corporate award programs fail?

Now that we’ve covered the importance of corporate award programs. It’s important to point out that they need to be organized properly. Your corporate award might not give you the results you’re looking for. Even worse, it might affect your work environment in a negative way. Here are some things you want to avoid.

One-sided awards

Corporate recognition usually goes from top to bottom. This might seem like common sense, the boss should be the one awarding the workers, right? Well, there is a very real chance of this backfiring, especially when using subjective criteria. If your employees don’t agree with the decision, it might create a bridge between them and their superior, not to mention the award recipient. Asking your team for their input will eliminate those risks. It will also increase the social value of the award.

Too focused on the company

Making the company look good is important, but in this case, your employees are more important. Making the awards about the company will hinder their value, the whole point is to recognize your employees, make it about them.

Recognition as an organizational function

Don’t let your corporate awards program become another company process. They won’t be effective if receiving them feels like work. Try to host your award ceremonies outside the office. It might be a formal occasion, that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun.

How to implement a corporate awards program

With the pitfalls taken care of, let’s review the steps to start your corporate award program.

Set the goals

Your awards program should have clear intentions. Encouraging company values, customer services, general performance, or any other goal you can think of.

Define who can get the award

Are all your employees eligible? You can restrict participants based on seniority, maybe not include interns, don’t award the same employee twice, or any other qualifications you can think of, you want to establish those before announcing the award.

Winning criteria

You need to define how the winner will be chosen. This should be in line with the goals we set earlier. It’s crucial that the criteria are crystal clear, you don’t want misunderstandings on this point.

Choose the right award

The memento you give to the winners is a critical part of any successful corporate award program. It needs to be impressive, modern, and reflect the theme of the award and your company culture. Take our virtual tour, you can get the full experience of our gallery without leaving the comfort of your office.

After that, you’re ready to announce your award. Everything should run smoothly, now that you know what and what not to do. Start showing your team how important they are for the company.

Corporate Gifts

5 Ideas to Celebrate Decoration month with style

Your surroundings affect your mood, well-being, and general happiness. Living in a bright and nicely decorated home will get rid of anxiety and make your life more comfortable. Putting some thought on your decorations will show that you care about your living space. April, the decoration month, is the perfect time to improve your home decor.

In this article, we’re going to explore a few ideas to help you brighten up your home. With some simple changes, you will improve your mood, show visitors more about your personality, and reduce the stress and anxiety of your life.

1 Mix old and new decorations

“Old and new belong together. A mix of modern pieces and antiques never tires.”—Caleb Anderson

Mixing modern art with antique-styled bases and flower pots will give your living room a sense of timelessness.  Together, they create a beautiful contrast, much like your personality, your home decor shouldn’t be bi-dimensional, it should reflect a level of complexity.

2 Enhance your living room with a bar

“Every house should have a great bar. It is the central point of a party, and if you entertain a lot, it will be celebrated, so put some thought into it.”—Jordana Joseph

Showing your guest that you care about entertaining them will make them feel more welcome. A beautiful bar will improve your social life. Formal glassware will make those special occasions even more special. Plus, it will be a great decoration for your Dinning room.

3 Mind your coffee tables

“In an open seating plan, always use a well-proportioned statement coffee table to ground the arrangement and give it a sense of place.”—Sean Michael

Coffee tables are the center of your sitting spaces, decorating them will enhance the feeling of the entire room. There are many different ways to do so. You should pick an option that’s both in line with your general theme, and stands aside calling extra attention.

4 Be patient

“Don’t settle. If you have your heart set on a piece, don’t try to find something similar just to save money. Chances are, you’ll never be completely satisfied with the substitute (or its quality).”—Brian Watford

Cheap items can be the most expensive, especially when your well-being is involved. Save yourself the regret of settling, its better to take your time, save the money, and craft your ideal living space. This also goes the other way around, don’t go with the most expensive option, go with the one you like the most.

5 Decorate with your own taste

“Follow your gut. If you have to talk yourself into liking something, you probably don’t.”—Olivia Erwin

Your decorations should reflect your personality. After all, your the one that’s going to be looking at them every day. A piece of decoration might work in a room, that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Make sure to take your time finding decorations that speak to you on a personal level. You can start by taking a virtual tour of our gallery, there you’ll be able to fully appreciate our pieces without leaving your home.