Corporate Gifts

6 Reasons Why Participating in Business Awards is a Golden Opportunity

There is much talk about rewarding your employees. It’s very important to recognize their effort. However, it’s time to know why participating as a business is important. True, it isn’t your priority, but participating in business awards can bring your company many benefits. Winning doesn’t necessarily have to be a top priority. Many other good things can happen at these events. In this article, we bring you the main reasons why you should participate. You’ll realize why it’s great for your business. Let’s begin:-

1. Free advertising

The simple fact of being on the shortlist in this type of event puts you on the map. Sure, you may not win, but it doesn’t matter at all. Just participating and being there gives your business more value and recognition. Awards celebrate hard work, success, and present great PR opportunities. It’s free advertising if you think about it. Advertising that benefits you for all the right reasons. 

2. Benchmarking

In this type of event, you will not be the only business competing. Of course, there will be many more participating. This is the perfect opportunity to compare your values ​​with those of other companies. This way you systematically rate your progress. You also have the chance to learn from other successful business models. Always look for ways to improve. Participating in this type of event is one way which brings us to the next point.

3.  Networking

Learning from other businesses is very important. Especially if they are extremely successful. But with that said, why not build relationships too? It is the perfect opportunity to recognize, create, and act regarding business opportunities. In this way, information is shared and even potential partners for future ventures can be sought.

4. Increased credibility

A business award won, short-listing or nomination acts as a third-party endorsement for your business. Winning a business award clearly differentiates you from your competitors. It can provide a real competitive advantage when seeking or retaining customers. If you’re seeking investment, demonstrating your received recognition as the best firm in your field can really help you.

5. Employee motivation

As it is well known, awards recognize the efforts and achievements of employees. So if your business wins a prize, it will give motivation to your employees. Also, it increases the morale of the entire team. In addition to this, it will make employees proud to work to be part of the team. 

6. Attract talent

Business awards will help attract and retain recruits too. Who doesn’t want to be associated with an award-winning company?

Well, there you have it! Great reasons why you should participate in Business Awards. It’s a perfect opportunity to grow and develop your business. If you have the opportunity, do it! Remember that in Crystal Arc we have a wonderful variety of trophies. Keep this in mind when you know of an event that is soon to be organized.

For more details visit us at or call us at +971-55-8990060 or mail us at

Corporate Gifts, Trophies

How to Present an Employee Awards Speech

Let’s say you have already chosen a bright employee to present an award to. Now, the big question is: How will you do it? Don’t worry! We wrote this article to help you with just that. 

A good employee recognition speech can motivate, engage, inspire your employees, and establish a positive work environment too. A lot of benefits can come from recognizing those who do good work so it’s important to prepare yourself ahead of time. There’s nothing worse than feeling unprepared for an employee appreciation speech.

Keep in mind that your speech means a lot to your employees so it’s important to take some time to write a personalized speech. Don’t forget that your purpose is to demonstrate how much your company values the employees’ dedication.

It doesn’t matter if you aren’t the most gifted or talented public speaker, this post will teach you and all the managers out there to deliver the perfect employee recognition speech by following these tips:-

1. Prepare in advance

Schedule the event in advance so that your employees can be present to receive their crystal award. Try to invite important people to the event,  relatives, friends, and coworkers mean a lot to your employees. They will feel supported and very special.

2. Welcome everyone and introduce yourself

First, you should give a cheerful welcome to all the guests at the event. After that, say your name, your title in the company and your relationship with the person you are recognizing. Express your thanks to everyone involved for helping with the organization of the event, and point out that without them, it wouldn’t be possible.

It is important to invite your award employee to stand next to you on the presentation. These types of details will make your employees feel even more special. Remember, this is their big day!

3. Be specific and positive

Take your time to write something about the employee you are honoring, keep it short and enthusiastic. The most important part of the speech is to highlight why this employee is being recognized. Tell a specific story to exemplify the effort, passion, and hard work of the honoree.

We recommend you don’t leave others behind and show other employees the depth of your appreciation as well. Take a few minutes to talk about how difficult it was to choose a winner, recognition always increases performance and engagement. Try to motivate your other employees to reach similar goals someday.

You don’t want to put your audience to sleep! So don’t give a long biography of the honoree, only talk about why your employee won the award.

5. Leave out any unfair employee comparisons and constructive criticism

Your employees should feel great while you are making the presentation. You have to keep the focus on the importance of good work, don’t make uncomfortable comparisons between your employees. This ceremony is not the time to make constructive criticism, it’s better to leave it out of your speech. Your employees are going to appreciate it and will get to know your lighter side. Keep in mind that people do their best work for the managers they like. Also, we recommend that you are careful with the jokes in your speech, only use them when they are appropriate.

How can you end your speech?

It’s a good idea to end your speech by thanking your employees again for their good and hard work. Try to make everybody feel good at the end of your employee awards speech.

Great! You already have written your employee recognition speech, now it’s time to practice it. 

Try to practice saying your speech out loud to your family and friends to get their feedback. Also, you can record yourself to polish your speech. This way you’ll feel more prepared and comfortable.  

Are you ready? It’s time to present your employee awards speech. Good luck!

For more details visit us at or call us at +971-55-8990060 or mail us at

Corporate Gifts

9 Tips to Choose the Right Criteria for Employee Recognition Awards

Crediting your employees for a job well done can help you to make a better workplace environment. Recognizing employees for their contributions will increase productivity and morale. For that reason, you need to develop suitable award criteria.

You need to learn how to create the right criteria for employee recognition. It is essential to design an award ceremony. Don’t forget that nominations represent your employees’ achievements and merits. And this ceremony is a very important and significant event for everyone in the workplace.

1- Change the criteria

It is recommended that event organizers mix up the criteria every year, because, using the same criteria to pick the winners can be demotivating. After all, chances are that the same people get the awards if you’re using the same criteria.

2- Be careful

You should develop meticulous criteria for selecting applicants and winners. That criteria needs to be clearly outlined and distributed among the participants. Confusion on the rules might seriously undermind the entire campaign.

3- Form a committee

Creating an award program development team is an amazing idea to conduct the criteria. Feedback from the members of the team can help you to choose better criteria.

4- Make an employee opinion survey

Ask employees for recommendations on award criteria. Ask them, what they want criteria to focus on. Measurable or intangible goals. For example, sales and performance quotas or creativity, teamwork, and a positive attitude.

It is also important to know the types of awards they prefer. Never assume, you must ask people how they want to be recognized.

5- Evaluate your company’s mission

You have to know very well your corporative goals. Because recognition should tie with your company’s objectives and culture.

6- Don’t exclude

Please, don’t exclude any employee founded on positions, ranks, or tasks. The criteria must apply to all workers.

7- Inform your workers

It is essential to notify your employees about the objective and criteria of the recognition program. You can send them memos individually to their private office or post these memos in public areas like cafeterias. You also can plan a meeting with your workers to explain how the program can help them.

8- Avoid financial awards

Avoid financial-based recognition, because you don’t want to finish in a performance competition. This could discourage creative ideas.

9- Make routine informal recognitions

Daily recognition of your employees is a good initiative. Send your workers thank-you notes, buy pizza for them. Always ask them for recommendations on how to have a better workplace. Sometimes, a simple “thank you” will be much appreciated.


Employee recognition is such a good idea. The award symbolizes the employee’s reaching goals in comparison with the merits of his co-workers.

Engagement is not the same as satisfaction. An employee can be satisfied without understanding the essential objectives of the company. This negatively affects your business. Don’t forget that engaged employees increase their employment value. As well as work harder and smarter on a day-to-day basis.

Public recognition of the employee’s achievement. Like the gratitude of the manager, applause and congratulations from partners. It is not a tangible prize. But it is a very significant and important award in such situations.

For more details visit us at or call us at +971-558990060 or mail us at

Corporate Gifts, Trophies

Benefits of Crystal Awards & How to Choose Them

If you are reading this article. It is because you want to give your employees a special prize. There are several types of awards to recognize reaching the goals of your employees. Crystal awards are the most elegant and classic way to commemorate their achievement.

  • They are multifaceted:- Crystal awards are suitable for many types of events. From occasional gifts to trophies, plaques, and corporate awards.
  • They are elegant and timeless:- Crystal awards have a great classic and elegant style. They can give a professional look for your corporate event.
  • They offer much more space for your message:- Crystal awards, trophies, and plaques offer more space for your special congratulatory message than other types of awards.

Maybe you are asking yourself:  How to choose the best crystal award supplier? 

To answer this question, you have to check some elements, because, they can help you to have a better corporative image. Keep in mind that this type of employee recognition reflects the personality of your company. For that reason, you should give your employees a high-quality crystal award. These are some elements to have in mind: –

  • Crystal award quality:- 

This is one of the most relevant factors to choose a crystal award.  Many providers could tell you that they produce high-quality awards. But among them, they have different characteristics. Maybe, they do not have the same crystal quality, or their glass purposes are distinct. You should ask these questions about your trophy company:-

  1. Are you hiring a company that produces the crystal awards or is it an intermediary? 
  2. Do they ship from their location?

We recommend you to choose an award firm that manages all the processes themselves. It can supply you with a better quality product.

  • Engraving:- 

A crystal award must have a high-quality engraving. You should be sure that the award firm you hire has a lot of experience in engraving. They must master several engraving methods with great skill.   

  • Reliability:- 

Punctuality in delivery a trophy order is vital for your corporate event. Your award company should make sure to deliver your order on time. 

  • Budget:-  

There is not a specific budget. Every company is different. You have to decide how much you want to invest in crystal awards. It is a good idea to make a meeting with the management team to determine it.  

Before you define the budget. It is important to know very well your company recognition approaches. After that, you can choose a trophy firm with friendly prices. But without losing on quality.

For that reason, you must make sure to hire a good provider. They have to make crystal awards that all of the members of your company will be proud of.

What does the crystal award represent?

Please, never forget the principal objective of your company event. It is to recognize and celebrate your employees’ achievements. The crystal award is a beautiful representation of your gratefulness to your employees. 

Are you undecided? Go with us!

We offer you the perfect crystal awards for your occasions. You can be sure that your corporative event will be memorable.