Corporate Gifts

5 Corporate Award Ideas for World Productivity Day

World productivity day is around the corner. Time to remember all the people that help your company stay productive. It takes a village, doesn’t it? Making sure that your offering quality products while making a profit is not all on you. Your team works hard to exceed company goals. June 20th presents the perfect chance to show them that you care.

By now, you should know the importance of motivated employees. If they start to forget why their work is so important they won’t work as hard. Now, hosting weekly award ceremonies is over the top. That’s why events like the World Productivity Day are so important. It’s not just the most convenient time.

A lot of corporate awards will be happening that day. That will bring the social component of your employee recognition campaign through the roof.  Your employees won’t just engage with their coworkers about the award. They will likely have friends or family members being awarded themselves.

Also, if you plan your award ceremony properly. You know, choosing the right venue, theme, and most importantly the right awards. There will be a strong chance that World Productivity Day becomes a company tradition. What better way to ensure productivity stays up than making it a company value? With that in mind, we decided to share with you our choice awards for World Productivity Day.

1. 3D model of Company Headquarters

We decided to open our selection of productivity awards with a strong metaphor. Giving your employees a model of your company symbolizes the recognition of their contribution. It tells them they help make the company happen. Even putting aside the fact that it’s an extremely appealing gift. The symbolic value of this award takes it to the top of our list.

2. Ornated pen

This award has excellent utility. A beautiful pen will work on many levels. First, each time your employee uses it the experience form the award will come back to him. That will reinforce the motivation achieved by the award. Second, It will make the company look good. Your clients will be impressed once they see your team signs contracts with style.

3. The Medal of Productivity

Medals come from a proud tradition. Their story began with Alexander the Great. He made the first recorded medal award to a High Priest. In exchange for his aid, Alexander awarded him with a gold button. Since then, the costume spread everywhere. You can leverage that feeling to enhance the sense of tradition for your productivity awards.

4. Jets taking off

This award comes with great symbolism. Representing the rise of the company thanks to the recipient. After all, productive employees take your company higher and higher. It’s perfectly suited for modern companies.

5. Dashing horse

The dashing horse it’s a great metaphor for the recipient’s help taking your company farther. Whoever said traditional companies should go slow?

That brings our selection of awards for World Productivity Day. These will certainly help keep your team on the right track. However, if you’re celebrating World Productivity Day. But, the awards on this list just don’t feel right, you’re welcome to take our virtual tour.

Corporate Gifts

Get Ready for The International Golf Day

This May first we will be celebrating the international golf day. As the favorite sport for networking, golf plays an important role in the corporate world. That means May 1st is the perfect opportunity to dust off your clubs.  Some people will tell you to visit the club and meet people there, others might tell you to invite that client your chasing. We will do you one better, the international golf day is the perfect time for you to host a friendly tournament. 

First, a little history about this day. The origin of golf day is shrouded in mystery, however, there are two leading theories. The first dates back to 1916 when the first professional tournament was held. The second says it’s because the use of a tubular steel golf club shaft was allowed in a championship for the first time on May 1st. Whichever you’d like to believe, Golf Day is a long-standing tradition. Take advantage of it.

The Perfect Networking Event

You should definitive hit the golf course this May 1st. Golf is a quiet and slow-paced sport, the perfect excuse to discuss business. However, a golf tournament hosted by your brand is an amazing networking opportunity. Leverage the tradition of this event by putting a spotlight on your business. That’s the perfect opportunity to get all the important people you want to network with on the same place.

Such an event will bring a lot of perks. You will spend quality time with your clients, it’s a great way to thank them for their business. It will bring a lot of awareness to your brand, your social media will go crazy. Plus, it will let you create a lot of content for your future promotions. Doing it on Golf Day will make it even better, people will be looking for an excuse to play.

The best part is that clubs are used to hosting tournaments, planning will be extremely simple. With people to invite and the venue ready, all you need to worry about is the prize. A tournament is not complete without a proper trophy. You need to choose a memento to mark your event. Here are our favorite picks. 

Arms of The Golfer

You can’t go wrong with a Golf themed trophy. That will create a strong bond between the event and the prize, it’s golf day after all. You want to do all you can to get people in the mood of this tradition.

A Cup

The majesty of a golden cup will make your event feel bigger. The pristine ornamentation will leave competitors and viewers in owe. If you want an elegant competition, a cup is a great choice for the prize.


Another great choice, especially if you’d like decorate second and third places. Medals are closely bound to sportsmanship, and they are a very flexible award. 

Custom Logo Trophy

The main reason to host the tournament is networking and brand awareness. Using your logo as the trophy will give you a lot of great exposure. Plus, it will make for outstanding marketing material.

Those are our top picks, but, please feel free to browse our collection. Take a virtual tour of our gallery. We wish you a great time and a lot of luck for this Golf Day.