Corporate Gifts, Trophies

Benefits of Crystal Awards & How to Choose Them

If you are reading this article. It is because you want to give your employees a special prize. There are several types of awards to recognize reaching the goals of your employees. Crystal awards are the most elegant and classic way to commemorate their achievement.

  • They are multifaceted:- Crystal awards are suitable for many types of events. From occasional gifts to trophies, plaques, and corporate awards.
  • They are elegant and timeless:- Crystal awards have a great classic and elegant style. They can give a professional look for your corporate event.
  • They offer much more space for your message:- Crystal awards, trophies, and plaques offer more space for your special congratulatory message than other types of awards.

Maybe you are asking yourself:  How to choose the best crystal award supplier? 

To answer this question, you have to check some elements, because, they can help you to have a better corporative image. Keep in mind that this type of employee recognition reflects the personality of your company. For that reason, you should give your employees a high-quality crystal award. These are some elements to have in mind: –

  • Crystal award quality:- 

This is one of the most relevant factors to choose a crystal award.  Many providers could tell you that they produce high-quality awards. But among them, they have different characteristics. Maybe, they do not have the same crystal quality, or their glass purposes are distinct. You should ask these questions about your trophy company:-

  1. Are you hiring a company that produces the crystal awards or is it an intermediary? 
  2. Do they ship from their location?

We recommend you to choose an award firm that manages all the processes themselves. It can supply you with a better quality product.

  • Engraving:- 

A crystal award must have a high-quality engraving. You should be sure that the award firm you hire has a lot of experience in engraving. They must master several engraving methods with great skill.   

  • Reliability:- 

Punctuality in delivery a trophy order is vital for your corporate event. Your award company should make sure to deliver your order on time. 

  • Budget:-  

There is not a specific budget. Every company is different. You have to decide how much you want to invest in crystal awards. It is a good idea to make a meeting with the management team to determine it.  

Before you define the budget. It is important to know very well your company recognition approaches. After that, you can choose a trophy firm with friendly prices. But without losing on quality.

For that reason, you must make sure to hire a good provider. They have to make crystal awards that all of the members of your company will be proud of.

What does the crystal award represent?

Please, never forget the principal objective of your company event. It is to recognize and celebrate your employees’ achievements. The crystal award is a beautiful representation of your gratefulness to your employees. 

Are you undecided? Go with us!

We offer you the perfect crystal awards for your occasions. You can be sure that your corporative event will be memorable.

Corporate Gifts, Trophies

Trophies will affect performance in most fields

A trophy is a tangible and lasting reminder of a specific achievement. It serves as recognition or evidence of merit. Trophies are often awarded for sporting events, from youth sports to professional level athletics. 

In many sports, medals (or rings, as called in North America) are often delivered as the main award or along with more traditional trophies. A time-honored way of awarding achievement. Whether it’s a championship trophy in a school display case or a crystal award in a corporate office, trophies are always proudly displayed.

Why do trophies affect people?

That being said, why do they affect people from all walks of life so much? As established above, it is a reminder of the effort we put into an activity. Of course, trophies are mostly associated with sports. But, these are also presented in many other areas. It can be in various jobs. Such as in a company, to recognize outstanding employees who feel identified with the place where they work. They tend to give a little extra because they love it. It can also happen in the music industry. to decorate all those musicians who bring something new to this art enjoyed by millions every day and that is part of their routine.

It is important to note that beyond sports and music, these awards are also an important part of academic areas. You can also find them in something that may seem as simple as being an exemplary person. A great example of this is the Medal of Honor. The maximum recognition that a citizen can receive. 

 Where can trophies negatively affect?

Now, just as trophies can positively affect people to stay focused, motivated, and to give their best at every opportunity. There is also the other side of the coin. There are ways a trophy could negatively affect. “In what way?” You’re probably wondering. Well, simple, these recognitions can become obsessive to some people. To the point that it affects all other aspects of their lives. In other cases, it can demotivate to the extent of not continuing with their passion. 

This can happen to the most important people in the world. Those who are constantly in the eye of the hurricane that is the media. Think about Lionel Messi in football, LeBron James in basketball, or Roger Federer in tennis talking about sports; In music it can also happen to the legends beginning their careers. like Elton John, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Britney Spears, among many more. Of course, this does not mean that all these great personalities have been influenced in the same way. but it does put in perspective that even the best can be affected with situations such as not being able to win at important moments, reaching records that seemed unbeatable or to not be able to release a song or a successful album.


At the end of the day, trophies important mementos that are part of most people’s lives,  if not everyone’s. It is up to each individual to properly channel these achievements as a positive motivation and objective.

Corporate Gifts

5 Corporate Award Ideas for World Productivity Day

World productivity day is around the corner. Time to remember all the people that help your company stay productive. It takes a village, doesn’t it? Making sure that your offering quality products while making a profit is not all on you. Your team works hard to exceed company goals. June 20th presents the perfect chance to show them that you care.

By now, you should know the importance of motivated employees. If they start to forget why their work is so important they won’t work as hard. Now, hosting weekly award ceremonies is over the top. That’s why events like the World Productivity Day are so important. It’s not just the most convenient time.

A lot of corporate awards will be happening that day. That will bring the social component of your employee recognition campaign through the roof.  Your employees won’t just engage with their coworkers about the award. They will likely have friends or family members being awarded themselves.

Also, if you plan your award ceremony properly. You know, choosing the right venue, theme, and most importantly the right awards. There will be a strong chance that World Productivity Day becomes a company tradition. What better way to ensure productivity stays up than making it a company value? With that in mind, we decided to share with you our choice awards for World Productivity Day.

1. 3D model of Company Headquarters

We decided to open our selection of productivity awards with a strong metaphor. Giving your employees a model of your company symbolizes the recognition of their contribution. It tells them they help make the company happen. Even putting aside the fact that it’s an extremely appealing gift. The symbolic value of this award takes it to the top of our list.

2. Ornated pen

This award has excellent utility. A beautiful pen will work on many levels. First, each time your employee uses it the experience form the award will come back to him. That will reinforce the motivation achieved by the award. Second, It will make the company look good. Your clients will be impressed once they see your team signs contracts with style.

3. The Medal of Productivity

Medals come from a proud tradition. Their story began with Alexander the Great. He made the first recorded medal award to a High Priest. In exchange for his aid, Alexander awarded him with a gold button. Since then, the costume spread everywhere. You can leverage that feeling to enhance the sense of tradition for your productivity awards.

4. Jets taking off

This award comes with great symbolism. Representing the rise of the company thanks to the recipient. After all, productive employees take your company higher and higher. It’s perfectly suited for modern companies.

5. Dashing horse

The dashing horse it’s a great metaphor for the recipient’s help taking your company farther. Whoever said traditional companies should go slow?

That brings our selection of awards for World Productivity Day. These will certainly help keep your team on the right track. However, if you’re celebrating World Productivity Day. But, the awards on this list just don’t feel right, you’re welcome to take our virtual tour.

Corporate Gifts

You recognize your employees, how about your clients?

The perks of recognizing your employees are no secret. It’s well known that employee recognition programs increase retention, performance, and loyalty. The assurance that their contribution to your business is appreciated can be a powerful thing. The question is, will recognition work the same way with your clients? The answer is yes!

The thing is that recognition appeals to the human side of your employees. It will work just as well on your clients. Improving retention, performance, and loyalty. This is a great achievement, considering that returning clients are more profitable than new ones. That’s why you should implement a client recognition program.

Why you should recognize your clients?

Improving retention rates is at the top of the list. Showing your client’s how much you appreciate them will give extra value to your products and services. Your clients won’t be simply filling a need anymore, they’ll be doing something important in the process. The extra incentive will make them less likely to move on.

There’s more, recognition also improves performance. When you’re talking about clients “performance” means purchases. That’s right, your client recognition programs will work as an excellent marketing campaign. An excellent way to remind clients that you’re there, plus, no need to be subtle about it.

Let’s talk about loyalty. The thing is, that loyalty cuts both ways. Implementing such a program will make customers less likely to accept other brands. Now, if your competitors start their client recognition program before you do it will mean trouble. It will be your brand having a harder time with acceptance. Better to strike first.

How to go about it

Now that the reasons for client recognition are clear, let’s talk strategy. Good news, if you already have an employee recognition program it will be easy. There are many ways to go about it. A classic way is offering loyalty discounts. That brings back memories of punch cards. Which sadly means it’s a little played out. You should still include it, everybody likes a discount.

It’s better to get creative. An interesting way is to lean into the similarities to the employee recognition programs. The client that buys the most get’s the nicest price. It might seem like a silly encouragement to actually buy more, but it helps. Plus, it will certainly make your biggest client happy.

You can go all in, host an award ceremony for your clients. Mixing the “performance” awards with other prices will make everyone more engaged. It’s not likely that they forget your brand after something like that. You could even add a few “funny” awards to lighten everyone’s mood. Just make sure you choose the right awards.

Not ready to commit all those resources? No problem. You can test client recognition out virtually for free. Using your blog and social media channels you can show your clients appreciation on a budget. It will hardly have the same impact. But, it’s a great way to check how well it works with your audience.

Remember that these are just general ideas, there are so many ways to show appreciation and creativity is important. Hopefully, these ideas will inspire to implement the client recognition program that is right for your business. Now, if after implementing the program you need inspiration choosing the right awards you’re welcome to take our virtual tour. Get the entire experience of your gallery from the comfort of your office.

Corporate Gifts

Best Gifts ideas for Eid 2019: Customized Eid Gifts for everyone this Eid Al Fitr

The month of May shows the beginning of the Islamic holy month; Ramadan. As Eid al-Fitr is just around the corner which is celebrated as the “festival of breaking the fast”. This festival is incomplete till we exchange gifts with our friends and families. Being in the corporate, one requires to share the festive greetings with each and everyone associated with us. There comes the big question is what should be your eid gift to your clients, associate, friends & relatives? Keeping in check that it should be unique & creative.

Eid gifts

The festival of Eid is an occasion for celebration & exchange of gift with our dear ones. A gift is a wish for their happiness! This Eid make your friends & family more happy with a special Eid gift. Crystal arc brings an exclusive customized collection of Eid gift & eid gift boxes.

Here are the best Eid gift ideas for eid 2019:-

Customized Gift boxes:-

Following tradition Ramadan fast is broken with Dates, a beautiful gift box full of Dates, Sweet & chocolate is an ideal eid gift for everyone. We provide customized gift boxes for eid, which you can give to your family, friends, clients & business associate.

Customized Crystal Quran Rehal

A beautiful customized crystal Quran rehal is the center of attraction for eid 2019. It’s an attractive yet memorable gift for elders. They would be delighted to receive this crystal rehal as an Eid gift.

Islamic Eid Gift

A gift for an auspicious occasion of Eid with the blessing of almighty will bring peace & happiness in the life of your loved ones. Crystal arc is offering a wide range of holy gift for eid.

If you’re wondering for the last minute gifts for Eid. Then crystal arc is your one-stop destination for the best Eid gift ideas for 2019. To view our collection visit us at Or you can call us for more details.