
How Crystal Awards Enhance Your Corporate Event

There are several types of awards to recognize reaching the goals of your employees. Crystal awards are the most elegant and classic way to commemorate their achievement.

  • They are multifaceted:- Crystal awards are suitable for many types of events. From occasional gifts to trophies, plaques, and corporate awards.
  • They are elegant and timeless:- Crystal awards have a great classic and elegant style. They can give a professional look for your corporate event.
  • They offer much more space for your message:- Crystal awards, trophies, and plaques offer more space for your special congratulatory message than other types of awards.

Maybe you are asking yourself:  How to choose the best crystal award supplier? 

To answer this question, you have to check some elements, because, they can help you to have a better cooperative image. Keep in mind that this type of employee recognition reflects the personality of your company. For that reason, you should give your employees a high-quality crystal award. These are some elements to have in mind:-

  • Crystal award quality:- 

This is one of the most relevant factors to choose a crystal award.  Many providers could tell you that they produce high-quality awards. But among them, they have different characteristics. Maybe, they do not have the same crystal quality, or their glass purposes are distinct. You should ask these questions about your trophy company:-

  1. Are you hiring a company that produces the crystal awards or is it an intermediary?
  2. Do they ship from their location?

We recommend you to choose an award firm that manages all the processes themselves. It can supply you with a better quality product.

  • Engraving:- 

A crystal award must have a high-quality engraving. You should be sure that the award firm you hire has a lot of experience in engraving. They must master several engraving methods with great skill.

  • Reliability:- 

Punctuality in delivery a trophy order is vital for your corporate event. Your award company should make sure to deliver your order on time.

  • Budget:-  

There is not a specific budget. Every company is different. You have to decide how much you want to invest in crystal awards. It is a good idea to make a meeting with the management team to determine it.Before you define the budget. It is important to know very well your company recognition approaches. After that, you can choose a trophy firm with friendly prices. But without losing on quality.For that reason, you must make sure to hire a good provider. They have to make crystal awards that all of the members of your company will be proud of.

What does the crystal award represent?

Please, never forget the principal objective of your company event. It is to recognize and celebrate your employees’ achievements. The crystal award is a beautiful representation of your gratefulness to your employees.

Are you undecided? Go with us!

We offer you the perfect crystal awards for your occasions. You can be sure that your cooperative event will be memorable.


Benefits of Crystal Awards and How to Choose Them

If you are reading this article. It is because you want to give your employees a special prize. There are several types of awards to recognize reaching the goals of your employees. Crystal awards are the most elegant and classic way to commemorate their achievement.

  • They are multifaceted:- Crystal awards are suitable for many types of events. From occasional gifts to trophies, plaques, and corporate awards.
  • They are elegant and timeless:- Crystal awards have a great classic and elegant style. They can give a professional look for your corporate event.
  • They offer much more space for your message:- Crystal awards, trophies, and plaques offer more space for your special congratulatory message than other types of awards.

Maybe you are asking yourself:  How to choose the best crystal award supplier? 

To answer this question, you have to check some elements, because, they can help you to have a better cooperative image. Keep in mind that this type of employee recognition reflects the personality of your company. For that reason, you should give your employees a high-quality crystal award. These are some elements to have in mind:-

  • Crystal award quality:- 

This is one of the most relevant factors to choose a crystal award.  Many providers could tell you that they produce high-quality awards. But among them, they have different characteristics. Maybe, they do not have the same crystal quality, or their glass purposes are distinct. You should ask these questions about your trophy company:-

  1. Are you hiring a company that produces the crystal awards or is it an intermediary?
  2. Do they ship from their location?

We recommend you to choose an award firm that manages all the processes themselves. It can supply you with a better quality product.

  • Engraving:- 

A crystal award must have a high-quality engraving. You should be sure that the award firm you hire has a lot of experience in engraving. They must master several engraving methods with great skill.

  • Reliability:- 

Punctuality in delivery a trophy order is vital for your corporate event. Your award company should make sure to deliver your order on time.

  • Budget:-  

There is not a specific budget. Every company is different. You have to decide how much you want to invest in crystal awards. It is a good idea to make a meeting with the management team to determine it.Before you define the budget. It is important to know very well your company recognition approaches. After that, you can choose a trophy firm with friendly prices. But without losing on quality.For that reason, you must make sure to hire a good provider. They have to make crystal awards that all of the members of your company will be proud of.

What does the crystal award represent?

Please, never forget the principal objective of your company event. It is to recognize and celebrate your employees’ achievements. The crystal award is a beautiful representation of your gratefulness to your employees.

Are you undecided? Go with us!We offer you the perfect crystal awards for your occasions. You can be sure that your cooperative event will be memorable.


An Insight to The International Golf Day Trophy Collection

This May first we will be celebrating the international golf day. As the favorite sport for networking, golf plays an important role in the corporate world. That means May 1st is the perfect opportunity to dust off your clubs.  Some people will tell you to visit the club and meet people there, others might tell you to invite that client your chasing. We will do you one better, the international golf day is the perfect time for you to host a friendly tournament. 

First, a little history about this day. The origin of golf day is shrouded in mystery, however, there are two leading theories. The first dates back to 1916 when the first professional tournament was held. The second says it’s because the use of a tubular steel golf club shaft was allowed in a championship for the first time on May 1st. Whichever you’d like to believe, Golf Day is a long-standing tradition. Take advantage of it.

The perfect networking event

You should definitive hit the golf course this May 1st. Golf is a quiet and slow-paced sport, the perfect excuse to discuss business. However, a golf tournament hosted by your brand is an amazing networking opportunity. Leverage the tradition of this event by putting a spotlight on your business. That’s the perfect opportunity to get all the important people you want to network with on the same place.

Such an event will bring a lot of perks. You will spend quality time with your clients, it’s a great way to thank them for their business. It will bring a lot of awareness to your brand, your social media will go crazy. Plus, it will let you create a lot of content for your future promotions. Doing it on Golf Day will make it even better, people will be looking for an excuse to play.

The best part is that clubs are used to hosting tournaments, planning will be extremely simple. With people to invite and the venue ready, all you need to worry about is the prize. A tournament is not complete without a proper trophy. You need to choose a memento to mark your event.

The main reason to host the tournament is networking and brand awareness. Using your logo as the trophy will give you a lot of great exposure. Plus, it will make for outstanding marketing material.

Those are our top picks, but, please feel free to browse our collection. Take a virtual tour of our gallery. We wish you a great time and a lot of luck for this Golf Day.


5 Fun Facts About Crystal

We’re sure you live with a big amount of glass products. The majority of objects that we refer to as “crystal” actually aren’t, because glass and crystal isn’t the same thing. There are many differences between the two. However, crystal is one of the best choices. It exudes elegance and exclusivity. This is a material that can be shaped to any form imaginable, so it’s a pretty good option for a gift or decoration. Furthermore, besides being awesome, the crystal also has many cool facts and in this article, we’ll show you some of them. If you’re not convinced about the crystal world, we’re sure you’ll be completely sold after reading this article.

  1. Zhangjiajie Bridge

All of us have heard about crystal and thousands of its applications and uses. But did you know that this material is the protagonist of big architectural structures or even natural landscapes? Well, in this fact we have the Zhangjiajie Bridge, which can be found in China. It turns out it’s the world’s tallest (300 meters) and longest (430 meters) bridge. Amazed by this fact? Well, buckle up because we have more.

  1. Crystal Beach

We just mentioned that crystal is the protagonist of natural landscapes. This time we have the Crystal Beach of Ussuri Bay, in Russia. This is a declared protected zone by Russian authorities. This beach went from being a dangerous dumpster saturated of bottles of alcohol to a beach of precious stones thanks to the passage of time. It’s currently considered one of the most beautiful beaches on the planet for its peculiar landscape. It’s full of vibrant, brilliant colors and diverse textures. 

  1. Krystallos

Now we go to a little bit of etymology. Crystal comes from the Greek word krystallos. Initially, the name came from “kryos”, which means cold, alluding to the formation of ice from water. Later on, the name changed connotation referring more to transparency. This is the reason why Greeks gave the name “krystallos” to quartz, initially believing that it was an ice variety that couldn’t blend at room temperature.

  1. Crystal Comes from Gases

Most of the natural crystals are formed from pressured gas crystallization in the inner part of rocky cavities called geodes. The quality, size, color, and shape of crystals depend on the gases’ pressure and composition in said geodes (bubbles) and other conditions.

  1. There are Many Types of Crystals

Depending on how they’re formed, crystal has many types and as a consequence many uses. We have solid crystals, used for modern technology such as the quartz of a clock. Continuing along, there are luminous crystals used for displays of electronic devices. There are also covalent crystals, which turn into diamonds and even quartz which we just mentioned. This type of crystal is interesting because it can also be used in the medical area, like odontology and surgery. Last but not least, there are artificial crystals, which are cheaper and commonly used for jewelry and precious stones. There’s a little bit of everything with this material.

As you can see, crystals are pretty awesome! We hope that this article has convinced you to enter the crystal world and lookup for many designs. If you want to know even more, read this article: Crystal. While you’re here, please check out our new crystal collection Nakawa. You won’t regret it!


4 Key Differences Between Crystal and Glass

Commonly, people want to buy something fancy for their home or for a really important visit. When they want to make that purchase, they want the very best. Sadly, it’s equally common that they don’t know the difference between materials. Maybe they want to buy a gorgeous sculpture for their living room or maybe fancy crystal china for an upcoming visit, but they end up buying something else. Confusing crystal and glass happens all the time. Because of it, people make the wrong purchase. In this article, we’ll explain the key differences between crystal and glass. This way you make sure that next time you buy something, you’ll make the right decision. Let’s begin:


The difference between crystal and glass is a matter of order. On crystals, its components, atoms, and molecules are arranged according to an organized system following a set of perfectly established rules. This gives place to defined forms with axis and symmetry planes. On the other hand, all of these factors are not present on the glass. This material isn’t subject to a set of rules. It’s formed randomly. 


Another key difference is that the crystal is created by nature and can be found in different ways. An example of this is quartz. Most of the crystals are formed from the crystallization of pressurized gases. This happens in the inner wall of rocky cavities. Instead of all this, what is manufactured by melting mainly silica sand, is glass. However, there is a kind of glass created by nature following a melting process: obsidian. It’s also known as volcanic glass, which forms from the heat within the inside of volcanoes.


It’s important to note that food containers, bottles, and jars are always made of glass. They are fabricated in industrial ovens that melt silica sand, sodium carbonate and limestone to 1500°C. This is not the case in crystals. However, you’re probably wondering why they’re so often confused with each other. It’s because to some glasses, certain metals, such as lead, are added. This gives properties in terms of brightness, loudness, and weight are very similar to those of crystals. So to summarize this point, at home you have bottles and jars of glass, but your wine glasses and cups are made of crystal.


Lead is a chemical component. We’re mentioning this because this component is a key difference between crystal and glass. Lead is included when fabricating crystal. Meanwhile, this doesn’t happen when making pure glass. This is something that, although it is imperceptible to the eye, does have important repercussions on quality.

Which One’s Better?

Now that you know the main differences, a question comes to mind: which one’s better? It’s unavoidable to wonder. If we have to choose between crystal and glass, there are no doubts. Crystal is a perfect choice. There are plenty of reasons why. First off, crystal is way shinier. This is something to keep in mind aesthetically and to enjoy the experience decoration wise. But in addition to this aspect, the crystal has the physical capacity of refraction and dispersion. A feature that, for practical purposes, allows us to use the crystal as a real prism.

Now that you know the differences between crystal and glass, you’ll be able to shop with more confidence. If you’re interested in crystalware, please visit the new section of our website: Nakawa.